The story of the movie is about an 18 year old orphan from the slums of Mumbai called Jamal, his brother Salem and a young orphan girl called Latika that Jamal invited in to a shelter from the rain when they were very young. Slum dog millionaire takes place in three stages, the first section shows the three main characters as children, the second section shows them as adolescents and the third section shows them as adults.
Actually the movie starts a moment that Jamal is about to experience the biggest day of his life with the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees in the Indian famous show who wants to be a millionaire but when the show breaks for the night ,police arrest him on suspicion of cheating how could a someone like Jamal, a self-confessed non genius who grew up in the slums of Mumbai can be doing so well on the show when others who are brighter more educated and wealthier than him have failed ,desperate to prove his innocence Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up ,of their adventures together on the road ,of his vicious encounters with local gangs and of Latika the girl he loved and lost.
The police inspector shows a videotape and after each question Jamal tells parts of his childhood with his brother Salem and his girlfriend Latika. He tells about his crush for Latika and their fight to survive on the streets to justify each correct answer guided by his common sense and past experience and prove his innocence.
In slum dog there are bullies. The bullies in this movie made one violent appearance; they are Hindu extremists who attacked the Muslims in the Mumbai slum. Their mother is killed by the extremists and it makes them orphans.
One of the strange situations of this movie is each chapter of Jamal’s story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game shows questions. Each chapter of Jamal’s increasingly layered story reveals where he learned the answers to the shows seemingly impossible quizzes.
In the movie there are two funny scenes. The first one is a time when one of the young boys gets trapped in a toilet and gets out in the worst way possible all because he wants an autograph from one of the most famous Bollywood stars in India, and the second one is the funniest scene which revolve around the boys as they act as phony tour guides to the ‘Taj Mahal and They appear to have the time of their lives stealing shoes and telling phony stories about the old tombs .
My opinion
This movie is about our past experiences and how it can influence our present or future events, as well we can understand in the movie that every situation in your past either good or bad will help you in the future when you see in the same thing and make you to afford to explain easily like Jamal .As well we can understand the movie how to stand or survive every hard situation like love, poverty, orphanage ,illiteracy, quizzes, brotherhood, partnership and etc..............................